Case Study: Snacksize - Crafting a Global Presence in Video Production

Case Study: Snacksize - Crafting a Global Presence in Video Production

May 18, 2024

Client Overview

Snacksize is a premier video production company based in Helsinki, Finland, renowned for its high-end productions and top-notch content marketing. Their impressive portfolio includes collaborations with major brands such as Pepsi, Foodora, Nordea, and Rockstar Energy. Despite their stellar reputation, they faced challenges in scaling their business and reaching international markets.

The Challenge

Snacksize approached us with three primary goals:

  • Improve Lead Flow: Move beyond their existing network to find new projects.

  • Generate Predictable Leads: Establish a reliable and consistent stream of leads.

  • Expand Internationally: Break into international markets and attract clients beyond Finland.

The Solution

We devised a comprehensive strategy to address Snacksize’s challenges and help them achieve their ambitions.

  1. Boosting Lead Flow:

    • Developed targeted marketing campaigns aimed at attracting potential clients who would benefit from Snacksize's expertise in high-end video production.

    • Implemented a mix of digital marketing tactics, including social media outreach, content marketing, and email campaigns, to widen their reach.

  2. Creating Predictable Lead Generation:

    • Set up a robust lead generation system that consistently brings in new leads.

    • Focused on nurturing these leads through a well-defined sales funnel to increase conversion rates.

  3. Expanding to International Markets:

    • Identified key international markets with high demand for premium video production services.

    • Tailored marketing strategies to resonate with these new audiences, highlighting Snacksize's unique selling points and high-quality productions.


Our collaboration with Snacksize led to remarkable outcomes:

  • New Client Acquisition: Secured 2-4 new clients, significantly boosting their business.

  • Predictable Lead Flow: Established a reliable and steady stream of leads, ensuring sustained growth.

  • International Expansion: Successfully generated leads from new international markets, marking the beginning of Snacksize’s global journey.

Snacksize decided to shift their focus from the local market in Finland to and embrace a new international chapter under a new name. They can now concentrate on what they do best—creating stunning video content—while we ensure the leads keep coming. With a client roster that includes industry giants like Pepsi, Foodora, Nordea, and Rockstar Energy, Snacksize is set to shine even brighter on the global stage.