Case Study: Munck Studios - Expanding Horizons with Podcasting and Video Production

Case Study: Munck Studios - Expanding Horizons with Podcasting and Video Production

Mar 21, 2024

Client Overview

Munck Studios is like the Netflix of podcasting and video production for businesses. They help companies create killer podcasts that attract inbound leads and boost their brand's cool factor. Already a big deal in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany, Munck Studios decided it was time to conquer Finland.

The Challenge

Munck Studios had three main goals when they called us up:

  • Expand to Finland: Put down roots in a new market.

  • Attract Major Clients: Get meetings with some mega-corporations.

  • Generate Leads Efficiently: Find a way to bring in leads without breaking the bank.

The Solution

Enter us, the B2B lead generation wizards. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work.

  1. Market Launch in Finland:

    • We dove into market research like Sherlock Holmes with a podcast addiction.

    • Crafted outreach campaigns that screamed, "Hey Finland, check out Munck Studios!" (in a cool, professional way).

  2. Targeted Lead Generation:

    • Designed laser-focused lead generation strategies that targeted the big fish.

    • Used a mix of content marketing, email magic, and strategic schmoozing to get in front of the right people.

  3. Securing High-Profile Meetings:

    • Scored meetings with top-tier corporations like Valio, Storytel, VR, Mandatum, Akateeminen, Steveco, Keva, and Fortum. (Yes, we have a talent for getting past gatekeepers.)

    • Showcased Munck Studios’ knack for producing top-notch content that keeps listeners hooked.

  4. Predictable and Cost-Efficient Lead Generation:

    • Set up a rock-solid system for tracking and managing leads, ensuring a steady stream of new opportunities.

    • Focused on getting the biggest bang for the buck by fine-tuning campaigns and slashing acquisition costs.


Thanks to our partnership, Munck Studios didn't just dip their toes into the Finnish market—they made a splash. Here's how:

  • Market Entry Success: Munck Studios is now a name to reckon with in Finland’s podcasting and video production scene.

  • High-Profile Clients: Locked in meetings and potential gigs with some of Finland's biggest brands.

  • Efficient Lead Generation: Created a predictable, scalable, and cost-effective lead gen system that keeps the new business rolling in.

  • Launched their Finnish branch

  • Wanted to get new leads and mega brands

  • Booked Valio, Storytel, VR, Mandatum, Akateeminen, and other big brands in the space

Munck Studios is now ready to take over the world (or at least the rest of Europe) with their stellar podcasting and video production services. The Finnish adventure was just the beginning—stay tuned for more as they continue to grow and innovate!